Martin is an undiscovered treasure. He may be the only American composer who understands the musical aesthetics of Eastern Europe.
"...their sound-poetry pursues the stars' ancient associations...the luster that has stayed the same through the millennia."
Robert Martin, Executive Director Younghee Choi Martin, Advisor
The North/South WindsLisa Hansen, fluteCat Cantrell, oboeSammy Lesnick, clarinetGilbert, bassoonLisa Pike, french hornMax Lifchitz, conductor
Lisa Hansen, flute; Jordan Dodson, guitar; North/South Chamber Orchestra
North/South Chamber Orchestra, Max Lifchitz, conductor
Michiyo Suzuki, Clarinet, William Purvis, Horn, Martin Kuuskmann, Bassoon, Raymond Mase, Trumpet, Linda Wetherill, Flute, Paul Cohen, Saxophone, Stephen Foreman, Tuba, Robert Ingliss, Oboe, Michael Powell, Trombone